Tuesday 3rd of December 11:50:28pm

write a paragraph about your dream as a programmer

From the start its difficult to make conceivable in actuality. If I get that very power to make anyone of my dreams come true .Then I would like to be a programmer. I am always interested in becoming a good programmer because I like to make games and can already design simple game programs. I have been interested in computers since I was about Six years old. I am currently taking an advanced JAVA programming class and it comes normally for me. I think I can design helpful programs that people will want. To be a computer programmer, I will need a too many programming language. In my collage, I will take programming classes and do well in HTML and CSS. Some of the fields a software developer could work in are game design, application development, healthcare, cyber security, and systems development. I am mostly interested in game design. In conclusion, I want to be a game designer because I enjoy designing games. I already know a lot of programming language and also want to learn even more.