Friday 28th of February 07:38:04am

Step by Step of Product Listing Procedures

Step by Step of Product Listing Procedures 

1. Product Title: using Google keyword Planner (1st Keyword should be product name, then

next two keyword from google planner.) 

Category & Sub-Category: (Primary Category and its mother category 

2. Product Tag: (Primary Tag should be exactly Primary Category and another tag would be

the product name, ex: mens shirt, womens t-shirt) 

3. Rename Images: Must rename images before upload (for t-shirt, ex: mens t

shirt free shipping cheap product buy for less) 

4. Add featured image (title, alt tag) 

5. Add Product Gallery images 

6. Add all gallery images should be added in the product description 

7. 5 bullet points**. Each bullet point has to very meaningful, in each bullet points all

information about the product should be mentioned properly. 

8. Product description: How to use the product 

9. Product Regular & Sale Price 

10. Product SKU: Make sure all SKUs are perfectly inserted and dont use same SKU twice. 

11. Enable Product Stock and add Stock Quantity available in aliexpress. 

12. Product Specification 

13. Add shipping custom fields

a. tistime_shipping - tistime Free Shipping b. tistime_shipping_days - 3-5 Days c tistime_dalivery - 11-21 Days

d. tistime_cost - Free 

14. Then click on "Publish"

Product Variation>>

1. Go to Product>Attribute(Dont Create Any New Attribute) 

2. Click on Specific Attribute and add your products necessary color/size. (ask in any kind of


3. Come back to Product section and click on edit the product which you want to add


4. Go to Product Data Section Select Simple Product Variable Product 1 Click on Attribute & Add all specific attributes for products (Color+Size) (**uncheck Visible on the product page and check Used for variations**) 

5. Then click on Variations then Create variations from all attribute, then press "GO" 

6. After that click on every variation and add specific Image, SKU, check manage stock, add

regular and sale price and lastly input correct stock of product. 

7. Then click on save change. 

8. Then click on Update